The Rise of Temp Positions on Long Island

Temporary Positions have been on the rise since the recession hit the economy in 2008. Companies are opening temporary positions in IT, Manufacturing, and Healthcare. This happened because businesses needed to get things done at a lower cost. I know what you are thinking. How does this affect me? This is due to the recession and people needing to find work as soon as possible. We have studied the rise in the need for temp positions on Long Island.

temp positions long island

Temporary work has Changed

Most companies are abandoning hiring day to day. A boom in contract hiring has allowed workers to be contracted for months at a time. The recession created slow growth in companies which gave birth to this hiring trend. Workers are working for employers for longer periods of time and more likely to learn the way the company does business. This is very helpful for individuals seeking permanent work in the future. Breaking this cycle are manufacturing and service jobs on Long Island. One company I spoke to, a robot vacuum service company, said that hiring contracted workers allows them to train and find workers for permanent jobs such as management. It makes it easier because they give workers small leadership tasks to see how they work with others.

Quitting the Unemployment Line

Waiting for the right job can be difficult in a bad economy and the rise of temp positions on Long Island give workers a chance to get back into the labor force. Being stuck without a paycheck can be rough, but it does not have to be. Temporary positions, even if it’s not what you’re looking for, replace desperation with the contentment that comes with a paycheck. Having a paycheck gives you a chance to focus on finding full-time employment.

Specialized Temp Agencies

Long Island temp agencies are specialized in specific fields to find people with unique skills. You can find specialized work in your field. This is always a good option if you have recently become unemployed and need to find work in your field to apply past work experience. Even if you are not unemployed you can find a temporary job out of high school or college to give you the experience you need. Experience is very valuable when trying to attain specialized skills to advance your career path.

Why Long Island?

Many businesses have or are opening facilities on Long Island. This boom creates temporary position openings. Positions on Long Island give people a chance to find work that is closer to home than the city. Our candidates have found that temporary positions on Long Island give them more time that was previously used for their commute. That time is extra valuable for people in school and parents. As a temp agency, we take great pride in helping candidates find positions that fit their work-life balance needs.

Building your contacts

People have learned that being in a temporary position helps you build your list of contacts for future positions. Networking is the number one resource for people seeking employment. When you have worked for someone in a temporary position you get to know them. You get to know what they look for in a person for a permanent position.

The changing trend of the rise in temp positions on long island shows that hiring is becoming more complicated. Temp agencies give the average person the chance to find a temporary position and move on with their career path.

What hiring trends have you seen in the past year? Let us know in the comments section below.