2018 Job Growth is On the Rise

Job growth is on the rise with the recent release of the 2017 jobs report. Staffing will boom this year according to a job growth article by Monster. Job growth has different influencing factors. These influencing factors cause companies to be uncertain of candidates. Uncertainty will affect their ability to hire and keep quality talent. Companies will be bringing in Staffing agencies to fill in this gap. Staffing agencies utilizing its database of skilled candidates will fill the gap. Companies become nervous when skilled positions become vacant for large amounts of time.

Advent of the Lack of Skilled Workers

Time moves fast when positions are open for long. Technology is changing the way we do business and the way we see certain roles. Companies are changing their employee’s descriptions to take on more skilled tasks. Skilled tasks may include working with specific software or marketing knowledge. Skilled jobs will be plentiful in 2018. Unfortunately, the number of skilled workers to take these positions will be low. Temporary workers fill open positions and get trained by current employees. Current employees see a pay rise as a result. Filling the gap in employment of skilled workers will take a few years. Millennials will take positions with skills others may not have.


Fears of Policy Affecting Staffing

Millennial age policies, like the Affordable Care Act, affects hiring. The Affordable Care Act affects the healthcare industry. Changes to the Affordable Care Act can cause jobs in healthcare to disappear. Not only will healthcare hurt, but other industries as well. Another influence would be the tax cut by the current administration. This may have a direct impact on the number of employees the company hires. If companies use the extra money to influence job growth is debated.


Immigration of Skilled Workers

Fears in policy also influence using workers with a visa. Many skilled workers will continue to be coming from overseas. Immigration reform may be a perquisite that staffing firms can use. It may also impact them if passed policies make it harder for immigrants to work in the U.S legally. Immigrants are more likely to be more skilled than American workers. Healthcare, for example, has had an increase in their immigrant workforce. Positions available for months or years are now taken by skilled workers American or otherwise.


Stretching the Workforce

Firms have started to use workers that do not fit the exact qualities for their positions. Qualities that would not be accepted are now the norm. Candidates can now tailor their skills to meet most of what a company is looking for. Job seeker can use this to their advantage by finding positions that fit most of their skills and knowledge.

What can I do?

Job seekers need to gather their skill and knowledge. Assessing these trends and acting upon them will give you the leg above the majority. Speak to staffing agencies about trends in your industry. A recruiter eats, sleeps, and breathes hiring. Pick their brain and get your next career started.

What trends have you seen in your industry? Contact via email or in the comments below.