How to Prepare for a Teacher Assistant Interview

Have an interview coming up for a teacher assistant position? Take the time to prepare for the interview and improve your performance. It’s crucial to prepare for the job you are interested in as well as the institution you are applying to. With our current competitive job market, it is important now more than ever to present yourself in the best light. Taking the proper steps for an interview preparation is the key. Whether you’ve just graduated or you’re switching up careers, it’s important to take the extra steps to boost your chances of having a successful interview.

How to Prepare for a Teacher Assistant Interview

Why is Preparing For an Interview Important?

Being well prepared for your interview will increase your confidence. Not only does your self-confidence improve when you are prepared, it also shows the employer that you are genuinely interested in the position. When you take the time to research the company you are applying to, or in this case the school, it shows your dedication. If the employer throws you a curveball question regarding the school, you will be able to adapt easily. Take the time to research the school you are applying to. Learn about their history, culture, administrative team, and the school district. It’s common that interviewers may ask you questions about the school such as, “What do you know about our school?” and “Why do you want to work for our school?”. Being able to quickly answer these questions makes a good lasting impression.

Interviewers are looking for candidates that are knowledgeable about both the company (or school) and the position the candidate is applying for as they’re both equally important. Not only does this make you stand out, but it also shows your excitement about the opportunity, which interviewers love. While in an interview, it’s important to curate your answers towards the company’s culture. If you haven’t done research on the company, you won’t be able to accomplish this. This approach could lead you in a direction that the company doesn’t align with because your answers may not match their culture.

Tips on How to Prepare for a Teacher Assistant Interview

Teacher Assistants help create an inclusive learning environment and are vital in today’s education system. TA’s work in collaboration with a team of educators to help guide students and have a positive impact. Below is a list of tips to keep in mind for your teacher assistant interview.

  1. Research the school and responsibilities of the position
  2. Prepare your answers for commonly asked questions
  3. Focus on the importance of the students safety and their education
  4. Relay your passion for teaching
  5. Prepare an education portfolio
  6. Reference the school’s values
  7. Prepare questions to ask the interviewer

Common Teacher Assistant Interview Questions and Example Answers

  • Why do you want to be a teacher assistant?

Reflect on why you wanted to get into this career in the first place. Emphasize how you want to create a positive, safe, and inclusive space for students. Share the value you can add in the classroom.

Example Answer: “I want to be a teacher assistant because I have a passion for making a positive impact on children. I believe that student’s education experiences shape who they are as an adult. I have a desire to create an inclusive and safe space where children feel valued and heard. It’s important to me that every student has equal opportunities and access to education, regardless of their abilities and background.”

  • Why do you want to work for our school?

Interviewers want to hear and make sure their candidates align with their values. They don’t want to hire just anyone. They need to make sure you’re a good fit for the school, so your answers need to reflect their culture. Mention snippets of information you learned when you researched the school before your interview. You can mention how you align with their values or teaching styles.

Example Answer: “I want to work for this school because I feel as though your school’s values align with my personal values. I am also very impressed and pleased with your emphasis on inclusivity and safety in the classroom. I can tell that you’re committed to providing a supportive learning environment and that is the exact work environment I’d like to work with.”

  • “Tell me about a time where you had to work with a student who was disruptive in class and how you handled the situation”

As a TA it is important to have a strong relationship with the teacher to diffuse disrupting situations. Teacher Assistants are there to support the main teacher and vice versa. There will be times where you will have to maintain classroom discipline. Your answer to this question should demonstrate how you would effectively manage the students behaviors.  Highlight your ability to handle these types of situations.

Example Answer: “In the past when I have been in these types of situations, I approached it with a proactive, understanding mindset. In most cases, I have followed the disciplinary strategy set by the teacher. This has ranged from separating the student from the other students and having one-to-one conversations with the student. If the student continues to have disruptive behaviors, I typically like to find a positive incentive for good behavior by rewarding them when they are not being disruptive. If a student continues to disrupt the class, I would speak to the teacher about what our next steps should be.”

Heading into an interview can be stressful. The best approach to being confident in an interview is by doing your research and being prepared. Take the time to research what are Teacher Assistant’s responsibilities, information on the school and school district, and common questions you may be asked. Practice your answers to the common questions interviewers ask and perform mock interviews. Being prepared for your interview will make you stand out amongst the crowd. If you’re looking for a Teacher Assistant job in NY, check out our current job openings or send us your resume!