Training Supervisors in Warehouse Jobs

Training supervisors in warehouse jobs and manufacturing focuses on relationships and team building. Manufacturing is the classic backbone of the American Economy. Manufacturing jobs are plentiful. More are being added every month. Warehouse and Manufacturing workers are in demand. Working in manufacturing and warehousing are rewarding and skilled positions. Why would someone want to leave this perfect job? Poor management is almost always the culprit. In an article by The Staffing Stream, they explain that relationship building creates employee retention. Supervisors need to build and maintain relationships with the workers. Workers are more likely to stay with the company longer if they have a strong relationship with management. Promotion and expansion gives birth to growth in a company.

Promote and Train

Warehouse workers often get promoted to supervisor for hard work. Warehouse workers must quickly pick up new skills. Wearing the “different hats” on the job can be difficult. Workers will sometimes forget that they should direct workers as well as work with them. Management sometimes promotes hard workers to supervisor positions without training. Teaching supervisors to build strong relationships with their team and growing with them is important. Training in direction, leadership, and time management are critical as well. Gathering these skills can take weeks but if not directed by upper management can lead to disaster. Management needs to teach relationship building. Relationships open for feedback conversation between management and the workers.

Constant Feedback

A major part of the role of supervisor is constant employee feedback. Feedback is any type of conversation between the warehouse workers and management containing helpful information. Talk to your guys! Let them get to know you and they will come to you for help. Help does not always come easy. Guys on the job won’t trust you right away. You were with them on the floor and now you’re a pencil pusher too. Be personable while getting important tasks done. No one likes a forceful employer without actionable leadership.

Actionable Leadership

Leadership does not mean being bossy. Direct your workers to do tasks with them. Never direct tasks directly at them unless it is specific. Use words like “We need to do…” and “We should really get…” to move things along. Supervisors must have workers working as a team. Team building through actionable leadership is always the right way to go. Workers will feel that you are leading them rather than telling them what to do.

Complete Transparency

Being open with your workers is important too. Create an environment of complete transparency. Communicate with the workers about everything that’s going on. Eliminating any guess work for workers creates a more “go with the flow” work environment. An important skill that a supervisor needs is strong communication. Workers need to feel they can come to you with anything that comes up. Problems that happen can be quickly resolved because the supervisor will know who, what, when, and how. You will see a clear difference in moral when issues are resolved efficiently.

Food for Thought

A supervisor position is an important role. Often, supervisors, will find themselves among other supervisors. You are not alone in this! Working together with your fellow supervisors is just as important as working with your workers.