Top 5 Clerical Skills That Make You Successful


Clerical skills are valuable because they are used in every single office in the world. Having talents that are so diverse and to delineate that to an employer can make you best in show. Office work is demanding and does not require putting staplers in gelatin and impersonating co-workers like on TV. Learning clerical skills that will make you successful will get you to the top of the list of resumes when job hunting. The hiring manager will grab their “#1 Best Boss” mug and take a sip nodding when looking at your resume. It’s a good thing. Trust me.

top 5 clerical skills that will make you successfulAttention to Detail
Taking innovative by having copious notes of what you do day in and day out will set you apart from everyone else. This is invaluable to an employer and will be something they look for when meeting you. Notes can include a list of people that came in and why. Simple habitual scribbles like this will advance your memory and your career. Fixing mistakes in forms, correcting filings, and updating extension lists are just a few clerical skills that will make you successful.

Being a people person is not for everyone but is an excellent skill to have in an office. Interpersonal skills allow you to connect with coworkers and clients in a way that is productive. You can’t choose your coworkers but learning how to be persuasive with your words can get them to help with pertinent tasks. Enthusiastically speaking to coworkers about your work will make you better at what you do each day! Asking the right questions and having a million-dollar smile will dramatically improve your daily productiveness. Turn your speech skills up to eleven and get ready to dominate the work force.

Every facet of the business world is now controlled by a computer system. Computer skills are required in every position from the mail room guy to the CEO. Most businesses use Microsoft Office programs for just about everything you can think of. Knowing how to use Microsoft Word and Excel are the top two that are used. Word is used for letters and memos while Excel is used for making spreadsheets. Taking a course in Microsoft Excel will keep you ahead of other applicants. Practice on a computer until you feel comfortable talking about your proficiency to a potential employer.

Clerical positions can be very demanding. Being the person that people go to with difficult tasks gives you a sense of job security. That job security means you have employees who are dependent on you to effectively complete tasks on time. Of course, this does not happen overnight. It comes with time and patience. Once you become acclimated to the work ethic, that is expected of you, people will come to you. Wanting people to be dependent on you, from the beginning, sets it high on the Top 5 Clerical skills that will make you successful.

All other skills bend to the will power that comes with planning. In the Dark Knight, the joker meant something when he said, “Do I look like a guy with a plan?” He would never survive in an office. Planning your day lets you allocate time efficiently and shows your employer that you take innovative with tasks. Weekly and daily planners show a record of what you have been working on and gives you a visual gauge on your progress. Being to do this on your own is an invaluable skill to have.

What skills do you think are important for a person in a clerical position to have?