Technology Jobs in New York

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Horizon Staffing Solutions is continually looking for qualified individuals to fill our technology job openings in New York. Our clients are located in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, and Long Island. We are looking for individuals who have experience in technical management, technical understanding, analyzing information, informing others, staffing, problem solving, data center management, developing budgets, coordination, strategic planning, and quality management. We are seeking highly motivated and hard working job seekers for our clients.

Getting and keeping a job in technology isn’t always easy, and can be very exhausting. It can be a long and difficult road to finding the right job opening that matches your skills, expertise, and interest. Horizon Staffing Solutions makes the process easy. Apply for one of our roles, or submit your resume to us, and we will do all the work for you.

New York City has become one of the fastest growing cities for technology jobs. This may have a lot to do with the new start-ups that are sprouting up around the city. As start-ups and companies grow, there becomes a huge need for talent from developers, analysts, managers, engineers, among other positions. IT companies are in a constant search for viable and skilled technology professionals. New jobs are constantly being created in this field. The technology sector seems to be fueling the job market. It’s time to be a part of the movement!

Horizon Staffing Solutions specialized in temporary staffing of technology / IT professionals. Companies look to us to provide them with staff for a finite period of time, or to fill roles that people have temporarily left. Some job openings include technical business analysts (varied skill / experience level). technical writers, software developers, and database management. Below are some of the jobs that we normally recruit for. If you are interested in any of the positions, click on the link and fill out our online application form. One of our recruiters will contact you shortly after your submission. We look forward to working with you!


Technical Writer

Technical Business Analyst